Jesus is not a MAGA Republican nor RINO
Why Jesus Was not a Democrat Party Member
How Jesus Rose Above Politics to Change Lives
How Weeping Pleases God and Enhances Worship
Why Lament and Psalms are Relevant Today
God Uses Prostitutes and Their Children in Worship
Role of Music in Old Testament Warfare and Worship
Jesus's Gentle Rebuke of John the Baptist
Did Satan Tempt Jesus to Commit Suicide?
Understanding Spiritual and Financial Accountability
Christian Generosity Across Racial and National Lines
If Jesus Sent Peter to the Gentiles not Paul
If Jesus Sent Paul to the Jews and not Peter
What if Cain Never Killed Abel?
Kanye West's Sunday Services are Just Off
Pastor Brian Loritts False Diversity Messsage
This Sin is Worse Than Any Other
Do I Need a License or Ordination to Preach the Gospel?
God's Shortened Lifespan Judgment
Animals with Divine Messages in Scripture