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Spiritual Growth and Righteous Biblical Judgment


Growing Together Until the Bible's Harvest

Welcome, in today's Sunday School lesson titled "Growing Together", we learn the profound biblical principles found in Matthew 13:24-43, with supporting scriptures from 2 Corinthians 13:1-10. The key verse that anchors our discussion is Matthew 13:30, where Jesus says, "Let both grow together until the Harvest: and in the time of the Harvest, I will say to the Reapers, Gather together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn."

Growing Together in Truth and Love

The concept of "growing together," as presented in this parable, emphasizes the importance of spiritual maturity and the need for believers to grow together in truth and love. Growing together requires us to love one another enough to speak the truth, not out of self-righteousness or to ease our conscience, but out of genuine concern for each other's souls.


Misinterpretations That Hinder Growth

Several scriptures are often misinterpreted, leading to a weakened understanding of our role as Christians. Three key texts have been misused to diminish the power of God given to speak righteousness in a sinful world.

  1. Matthew 7:1 - "Judge Not, That Ye Be Not Judged"

    This verse is frequently quoted to suggest that Christians should never judge others. However, a closer reading of the surrounding verses reveals that Jesus was instructing us to judge righteously. We are called to remove the beam from our own eye before we can see clearly to help our brother. This requires spiritual maturity and the authority to judge righteously, as echoed by Paul in Romans 2.

  2. Turning the Other Cheek

    The command to "turn the other cheek" is often misinterpreted as a call to passive acceptance of wrongdoing. However, Jesus Himself demonstrated that there is a time for righteous anger and action, as seen when He cleansed the temple. We are not called to be passive in the face of evil but to respond with faith and courage when necessary.

  3. Letting the Wheat and Tares Grow Together

    While Jesus instructs us to allow the wheat and tares to grow together until the Harvest, this does not mean we should ignore evil. We are still called to confront sin and speak the truth, as emphasized in Matthew 18:15-17 and by Paul's instructions to reprove the works of darkness.

The Danger of Misguided Teachings

Unfortunately, some leaders in the Church have either misunderstood or deliberately misrepresented these scriptures, leading to confusion and passivity among believers. Whether out of ignorance or intent, these teachings can prevent the Church from growing together in truth and righteousness. It's essential to discern the truth and hold our leaders accountable when they stray from biblical teachings.

Kingdom Work and the Struggle for Justice

One of the challenges in growing together is persisting in Kingdom work, even when it seems that those who do evil are not being brought to justice. This struggle is real and can be frustrating, especially when it appears that wickedness prospers while righteousness suffers.

Parable of the Wheat and Tares: A Deeper Understanding

In Matthew 13:24-30, Jesus tells the Parable of the Wheat and Tares to illustrate the coexistence of good and evil in the world until the final judgment. The field represents the world, the good seed symbolizes the people of the Kingdom, and the tares represent the children of the evil one. The Harvest at the end of the age will be the time when the righteous are gathered into God's barn, and the wicked are cast into the furnace.

This parable reminds us that while we live in a world where good and evil grow together, we must be careful not to take the role of judgment into our own hands prematurely. However, this does not mean we should remain silent in the face of evil. We are called to speak truth, confront sin, and trust in God's justice.

Persisting in Truth and Righteousness

As we grow together in the body of Christ, it's crucial to rightly divide the word of truth. Misinterpretations can lead to passivity and a weakened Church, but by understanding the broader context of scripture, we can empower ourselves to speak and act righteously.

Remember, we are not called to be passive or to avoid judgment altogether. Instead, we must judge righteously, confront evil when necessary, and trust that God will bring justice in His time. Growing together means supporting one another in truth and love, even when it requires difficult conversations and actions.

Let us strive to persist in Kingdom work, growing together in faith, truth, and love, until the day of the Harvest, when God will separate the wheat from the tares and bring His people into His eternal Kingdom.

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