How the Bible Describes Bad Church Leaders
One of the biblical adjectives used to describe Hell bound church leaders is “wolves”. Jesus, Himself, referred to them in this way during His Matthew 7 dissertation on judgment. This package also teaches us how to judge “righteously” and how “unrighteous” judgment appears. Pulpit wolves use the same chapter, and Jesus’s teachings, to mislead their followers, claiming we should not judge.
Here are other descriptive adjectives the Bible uses to expose sin in leadership:
Wolves (Matthew 7:15): the Lord Jesus warns us about false prophets who come disguised as "wolves in sheep's clothing." This metaphor highlights their cunning and true intentions towards God’s people (feeding on them).
Lions (Jeremiah 50:17): the Prophet speaks of "Israel's lost sheep," who have been scattered by their shepherds. This imagery teaches that the leaders have become like fierce lions, preying on instead of praying for. This is not necessarily a “physical” scattering but can also indicate “confusion of spirit”.
False shepherds (Ezekiel 34:2): God condemns the shepherds of Israel for being self-centered and neglectful. They are called: "shepherds who have been feeding themselves." This term denotes massive spiritual failure to fulfill their role as caretakers. This also extends to us, the church, whom the Bible describes as “wild olives grafted (adopted) into the natural branch (Israel)”.
Blind guides: the Lord Jesus describes the Pharisees in Matthew 23:16 as "blind guides who strain out gnats but swallow camels”. This implies their lack of spiritual discernment and rank hypocrisy. An example, in our time, is church leaders who claim women should not preach the gospel, yet “allow” women to invite people to church. The difference is, what, exactly? So, witnessing about Jesus at work is different than doing so from a church pulpit? If so, how?
Whitewashed tombs: in Matthew 23:27, Christ rebukes leaders by calling them "whitewashed tombs". This indicates they appear beautiful on the outside but are full of dead bones. Ouch.
Hirelings: John 10:12-13 reveals the Lord of Lords contrasting Himself, with hirelings, who do not truly care for the sheep. Hirelings are motivated by personal gain rather than genuine concern for the flock.
In summary, these descriptive words/phrases emphasize the negative qualities of wayward religious leaders. Further, they theologically highlight their deceptive nature, cruelty, neglect, hypocrisy, and self-centeredness. Although this assessment seems harsh, I personally know these people, as a currently serving Pastor.
Why Would a Pastor Condemn Other Pastors
The answer to why a Pastor would judge (never condemn) is because God tells us to. Further, if more of this Holy manner of “love” was dispensed, the church would be a much safer place for Christians. The question, itself, validates my earlier posit with respect to moral decay. First, let’s better understand the difference between “correction” and “condemnation”.
The greatest example of this occurred between Jesus and the adulterous woman. The Bible says she was dragged before Jesus right before she was to be stoned to death. Jesus challenged the would-be executioners, they walked away without executing the woman, and he told her to “go and sin no more”.
The executioners were prepared to condemn while Jesus corrected, allowing her to live. Condemnation is neither mine, nor any Believer’s to dispense. That would mean Hell for the offender where there is no longer hope. I stepped forward to correct (not condemn) wayward Shepherds because they are treating God like some sort of board game. In the most literal sense, they are like five (5) year old children, without discipline, who have run amok. Further, I was born to do this and will continue to until the Lord Jesus “calls me off” the wall.
Here are reasons why we Church Leaders must rebuke the “wayward”:
1. Proverbs 27:6: This verse emphasizes genuine friends are willing to give loving correction and rebuke, which is more valuable than insincere flattery. Unfortunately, and having found out the hard way, Pastors believe the opposite.
2. Proverbs 15:31: This scripture highlights the importance of being open to constructive correction, as it leads to wisdom and understanding. I, even I (as the Bible says), do not like to be corrected. However, the love of the corrector is something I am eternally grateful for!
3. Proverbs 27:17: This metaphor teaches that just as iron tools require sharpening to be effective, Believers sharpen one (1) another through Holy Ghost tension.
4. Galatians 6:1: Paul teaches Believers to gently correct, and then restore those who have fallen into sin. FYI – this restoration is wholly dependent upon their sincere repentance. Another idea is emphasizing the importance of humility and self-awareness. I have never met organizational leaders, in any field, more self-unaware than clergy. Of course, I am speaking of the 8/10 who are reprobate and “given over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh” (as Paul wrote).
5. Ephesians 4:15: This emphasizes a need to speak the truth to one (1) another, in love, which fosters maturity within the Body of Christ. Truth in love is defined as “speaking the oracles of God, to another, for no other reason than concern for their soul(s)”.
6. 2nd Timothy 3:16-17: This passage highlights the value of scripture, which provides guidance on how to correct and reproof, leading to righteousness.
In summary, Jesus demonstrated the difference between condemnation and correction perfectly! This righteous judgment is what we must practice. Even the Apostle Paul writes about confronting another Apostle (Peter), to the face at Antioch. No one, including us Pastors, are above being corrected by God’s Word.
Example of a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
There are numerous examples of wolves in sheep’s clothing – just load YouTube! All Pastors have hurt sheep at one (1) time or another (me included). However, there are levels to “hurt”, and some is holy while another brand is not. An example of holy hurt is when we preach the gospel, hold people accountable, and refuse to back down. In this instance, it is not us was doing the hurting, rather the Word of God. We all remember that scripture teaches: “the word is sharper than a two-edged sword”, right?
The other side is due to our unholy actions. No matter what, however, God is graceful and will forgive when we ask. There are many, even those I know personally, who do not ask because they do not care.
I have been around many who I question whether the Lord sent them at all. Not because of what they do but what they refuse to (repent). One (1) is the archetype for bad church leadership. If being a hireling, as Jesus called them, was an Olympic event, this guy would win the gold medal!
Here are examples of what this backslidden leader does:
1. Constant lying when the truth is much easier: I will spare you the “blow by blow” and will point out one (1) particularly egregious example. A Godly woman confronted him about his lies concerning her character. I heard this confrontation personally. Rather than admit sin and repent, he “lied about having lied”. Later, this woman’s husband was in the hospital dying, and this man was trying to take over the church he and his wife had founded.
2. He is a thief: admittedly, and before I began to Pastor, I heard stories of the greed in pulpits. Yet I had no idea of its depths until being allowed into the inner sanctums of clergy. This guy literally strong-armed more than $25,000 from a dying widow in the emergency room. When a demand for repayment came, he framed the transaction as if it was “his money anyway”.
3. Worshiping power for its own sake: whether a prestigious title, or money to be stolen, this man’s lust is unmatched. A high-ranking local religious leader framed it like this: “he believes he is God trying to grab all the power”.
4. Sells God’s people “for a price”: during the recent pandemic, this wayward shepherd entered a financial partnership with the local health board. His assignment was to gather all church rosters and submit them to the county health board. The board would then, led by another false shepherd, take this information and “strong arm” local seniors into vaccination. I and another Pastor refused to participate, and found out he received compensation for selling God’s people to the board. I confronted him, and the local health board, and neither denied the arrangement! It is one (1) thing to encourage vaccination because it supposedly kept people safe. It is quite another to be compensated.
5. Attempts to destroy anyone who confronts his wickedness: after I confronted him, and on many occasions, this Korah spirit attempted to have me removed from my pastorate. These sorts will never confront you, directly, an instead choose subterfuge and deceiving the “simple”.
6. “Eats” weaker clergy: Over the last several years, I have learned one immutable truth: “wolves run in packs”. This is not only true in the animal kingdom either. There are three (3) genres of clergy: first are the “alpha(s). Just like in the animal kingdom, the alpha rules the lessor and weaker wolves. Second are “betas” who make up the masses of church leaders. They serve as lunch for the “top dog(s)” and willingly submit to the “savagery” of the alpha(s). Finally, are those who have “checked out” and rarely, if ever, have any dealings with the wolf pack.
In summary, there are numerous examples of wolves in sheep’s clothing. I cannot complain about what I have endured at the hands of these packs. As scripture teaches, “I count it all as joy”. I do so because I understand how accurate the biblical representation of these people is.
Next, I had the privilege of combating these servants of Satan directly! Finally, I praise God because “it is only by his grace that I am not them”. We must never forget, however, that the Lord’s grace extends to even His staunchest enemies, wherever they may be found. You have already prayed for them, now it is time to confront them with the Word of God!Top of Form
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