In this post, we discuss 3 easy ways to find ready made sermons for your church.
Finding quality sermons can be a daunting task.
But if you know how to look, it isn’t so difficult. With a little bit of research and some creative thinking, finding ready-made sermons for your church just got easier.
VII. Conclusions
Ready Made Sermons are Easy to Deliver
Ready-made sermons must come packaged for easy deliverability.
You don’t have to spend endless hours reading books or listening to dead end tips anymore. Using this simple step by step guide, you will be able to find sermons in no time at all!
You should be able to read over the content once or twice and understand how YOU can deliver it. We all have dry seasons where creating lessons becomes difficult. Sometimes, we must wait a season to hear from God.
However, God’s people aren’t going to wait the same length of time to hear from Him.
This is where ready-made sermons can assist in your ministry efforts. We must also deal with whether we, as Preachers, should deliver someone else’s sermons.
The answer to whether we should or not is, YES, we can! We do it all the time when we read scripture straight from the Bible. No one has a copyright on God’s Word and plagiarism is a term used ONLY when someone is the origin source for the work.
If the Holy Spirit revealed something to you, can you honestly say YOU or I own the copyright? If, however, it is a discipline such as archeology, that is another conversation.
There are sources to get powerful sermons and Bible lessons to deliver. We offer just such a service and encourage you to click on one of the banner ads to receive your new sermon downloads.
The best packed sermons contain several items you should be aware of. First, ready made sermons should contain a lesson title with reference texts. Next, it should contain a “subject lead in” and finally, at least three (3) clear focal points.
Anything less and the information should be discarded as ill prepared and lightly considered.
Pre-made Sermons are Available Online
The first step in finding pre-made sermons for your church is to search online for quality. Here is what you should know: sermons and quality, life changing sermons are not the same thing!
While you can find audio recordings and video clips of sermons on YouTube and elsewhere, the best place to find pre-made sermons is a website specifically dedicated to that purpose.
However, you must review these lessons for sound theological doctrine! You cannot just print and preach a sermon that isn't what the Bible teaches. You would be surprised to learn of how many sermon outlines and notes are not sound biblical doctrine.
Podcasts are Excellent Places for Bible Lessons
These are not just pre-recorded sermons that you listen to on your computer, but they can also be podcast based as well. The issue with these, however, is hearing someone else deliver them.
Don’t get me wrong, I am always up for good preaching. However, hearing someone deliver a sermon they wrote can be a bit intimidating. If there is one thing we preachers should avoid, is comparing ourselves to others.
In these instances, however, you still need not be intimidated. The beauty of God’s Word is it is moldable to who YOU are!
When you listen to the lessons for the first time, pray about how they will sound being delivered.
Your calling is, as scripture says: “to repeat what you have seen and heard.” This is the very charge of the Great Commission in Matthew 28.
YouTube Video Clips Can Be Preached
Here is the power of YouTube videos with sermons on them. Not long ago, I saw a preacher who was previously struggling with content creation. He suddenly sounded like the dryness was over while preaching one evening.
This Pastor preached a sermon and when I searched, it was from a YouTube video. He knew God’s people were counting on him, so he found a Word he could preach. This guy hit it out of the park!
I said to my wife: “he sounded really good, and I am blessed he had the courage to find something he could preach in this season.”
You can also download these videos to your computer for later viewing. One of the best places to find great lessons is on YouTube alternatives like and
There you can find their libraries of videos that you can access through their website.
Your Own Sermon Archives
As surprising at it may sound, your sermon archive can be a place of refreshing as well. If your archive is extensive enough, there is something(s) you can re-visit, just with a different subject matter.
I have a six-part (6) sermon series on the issues of mental health challenges. These were based on the challenges experienced by well-known biblical characters. You do remember King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel Chapter 4, right? There is so much “meat” in that series that surely another sermon or two on “faith” could be preached.
Bibles Study Guides are Free
Bible study guides and online commentaries are wonderful places to build sermons as well.
The great news about sermon preparation, is all WE must see is a sentence, word, or other “spark.” These lead to endless amounts of Holy Ghost content to preach.
First, you must research these online treasure troves and next, allow the Holy Spirit to move.
Finding quality pre-made sermons for your church can be challenging. The best way to find pre-made sermons is to use a website specifically for this purpose.
These websites have a large library of sermons.
It is also important to keep in mind that these websites usually charge a small fee for each sermon.
Header Image Credit Rod Long @Unsplash