
Nov 2, 20229 min

Your Faith Is Not Proof God Exists

Answering the question does God exists is crucial to your eternity. However, as a Pastor/Preacher of the gospel, I have to say my faith is no proof God exists.

I. Faith Defined in a Biblical Manner

II. Questioning God’s Existence is Normal

III. Scientific Atheist Have Faith to

IV. Faith is not Pejorative to Religion

V. Evidence of God from Natural Science

VI. Philosophical Arguments for God's Existence

VII. Conclusion

Faith Defined in a Biblical Manner

We must first define faith before I, as a Pastor, challenge your notion of it. According to the Hebrew Bible (Hebrews 11:1):

As a young preacher a few decades ago, I was on fire for Jesus! It isn’t that I am no longer, only that I am more of a controlled burn now than a wildfire. Let those who have an ear hear.

I literally stood in public preaching faith of Christianity.

It is a true statement that I was one of those crazy looking people holding a sign. When you may find interesting is two decades on, and now as a Church Pastor, I still do the same thing!

The church was built by such witnesses, and we see Jesus’ ministry based on public preaching in the Gospels. Those weaker believers who look at us funny, and try to shame us, are the ones who should truly be ashamed.

Nevertheless, according to the Bible’s definition of faith, it “hopes for” something. If that is true, hope only lasts if I do not receive that which I am hoping for. After that, and as Scripture says, “why will we continue to hope?”

As you can see, faith is based on the foundation of “lacking something.” If I lack, I do not currently possess the thing I desire.

This is critical because your faith, and mine, is not proof that God exists! For those who are “triggered” by that, please re-read the breadcrumb trail I just laid down.

Further, the object of our faith cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. That is why we require “faith.” Faith that waivers, or is shaken from time to time, is further proof that God’s existence is in question.

Questioning God’s Existence is Normal

The question of whether God exists is a topic that produces strong emotion. Religion has confused the issue as well. Some people claim that it is their duty to not believe in God.

They claim some form of moral authority to disbelieve absent proof. On the other hand, some think that no amount of evidence could ever make them abandon their faith.

With so much at stake, the question of whether God exists becomes even more important.

Most do not realize how important this question's answer is to world history.

However, if we cannot prove God with our limited knowledge, why believe? If there is a God, then asking why He does not appear becomes more understandable.

Just a reminder for those with "faith" - God has appeared in biblical history and people began to disbelieve again a short time later.

Here is a well-known example when God drowned an entire Egyptian Army, in front of Israel (Exodus 14:26-28):

Such a mighty work, we would think anyway, would be enough to prove God is worthy of being free from doubters.

However, check this scene out, a short time later (Exodus 15:23-24):

The point is, even when our faith has proven God exists, we yet question God which does even more damage to our faith. This one of the rare times, biblically, where “faith” wasn’t truly required because the object of their/our faith, made Himself known!

It is OK to “question” God. This doesn’t need to be a “faith killer.” When it becomes so, is when we “accuse” Him of being inadequate to solve our problem(s).

There is an excellent example of such an accusation, made by Jeremiah the Prophet, in Chapter 20 of the Book of Jeremiah.

Scientific Atheists Have Faith as Well

Humans have always wanted to know what lies beyond this physical world. We have looked up and imagined portals to other dimensions and worlds we cannot see. An excellent example of this desire is demonstrated in the science series ‘Cosmos.’

During the Middle Ages, science was a long way from where it is today. Even then, people understood that the Earth was not the center of the universe.

Well, several did, taught this to others, and ended up ex-communicated from the Catholic religion.

Interesting: an organization supposedly caretakers of truth rejected and killed others for teaching it.

In fact, almost all the planets in our solar system are in orbit around the sun. Pluto is included although it has been "demoted" from planet status. All other nine (9) planets plus comets, asteroids, and other heavenly bodies, also move around the sun.

This is not meant to be ‘Science 101.’ I can assure you I am no scientist. However, as we further lean in to properly identifying faith, we must deal with the evidence of God’s existence.

Within the definition of faith offered in Hebrews, it partly says: “evidence of things not seen.” The greatest evidence (of God) we possess, as Theists, is the universe.

Obviously, if the universe did not exist, we would not be having this conversation.

Although scientific naturalist, atheists, and even trans-humanists disagree with theism on our origins, it could hardly be disputed creation had a causal event.

Despite their ridicule of Theism, science has no more proof, than we, on origins. Their mockery is laughable because they have a form of “faith as well.”

Think about their absurdity like this.

Imagine two teenagers brag about how rich their parents are. When challenged to present “proof” in form of a bank statement, neither can deliver. Having not presented irrefutable proof, each says: “well, everything I see leads me to that conclusion.”

Both live in large homes, drive luxury vehicles, and have the outward appearance of wealth. However, and as we know, “crushing debt” can often appear as wealth! On the other side, one can be rich and the other debt laden without real wealth.

As with Theism and science, we both see the same things but rely on “observational” evidence to come to different conclusions.

Faith is not Pejorative to Religion

No one can get around answering the question “why am I alive?” Most believe they have the answer but all they have is “faith.” That is far short of “proof” of course.

The word faith is not pejorative to religion. It simply indicates belief in something one cannot see and prove. For instance, science introduced us to: “The Big Bang Theory.”

Although they would have you believe it is settled science, it is anything but.

They have faith this is true based on: “evidence of things not seen.” Their evidence is creation, and ours is as well. We have not seen God, and they cannot disprove His existence.

We can be critical of science; however, we have no more proof than they do. I am so joyful today that if I am wrong and die, I have lost nothing. If “others” are wrong, they have lost everything.

It is time to be a bit harsh with fellow Theists.

You must stop waving our faith flag in nonbelievers face as if we have more proof of God's existence than they. Oh boy, I can hear the weeping and gnashing of teeth! I have said this unto nausea, but it bears repeating.

We have faith because we have not seen and therefore cannot prove God exists. I look around and see God’s hand in creation, however, that is based on faith only. Does this make me less of a Pastor and Preacher having faced this reality?

No way!

It makes me real, truthful, and more faithful than most in my opinion. As a Christian Apologist, there comes a time in defending the faith, we go too far. This has been done repeatedly.

We must not forget that our Savior came to give people information on which to decide. This eternal altering choice cannot be born of “force.” Are we greater than Jesus?

Evidence of God from Natural Science

The study of the universe, and the laws that govern it, has produced a lot of evidence that God exists. For example, there are many things in the universe that seem to have no purpose.

The sun lights up the Earth and then disappears as if being snuffed out by a large hand. OK - we understand it disappears because of the Earth's rotation!

I just had to include something super religious sounding. Science isn't alone in their ability to make up nonsense that explains absolutely nothing.

The natural world seems to be governed by laws that have no purpose or reason behind them. This is the kind of evidence scientists look for to explain the world around them.

Further, it has convinced many there is no supernatural lawgiver behind it.

What is interesting is on both sides of this argument, there is consensus that natural laws exist.

When we lean a bit further into this, it is hard to escape the absurdity that science puts forward with how these laws came to be.

Recently some ascribed much of creation to the force of gravity. However, others hotly dispute this because gravity cannot explain many things in the universe. Although gravity may govern motion, as an example, gravity could not be creation causal.

Assigning intelligent natural laws, to an intelligent designer, is the most logical. This is where Theists must step back from blind faith.

First, God never requires blind faith from anyone! Throughout the biblical narrative, He gave us reasons to believe. Although faith isn’t blind, yet can trust in things it cannot see, it did not result because of blindness.

It is actually the most powerful, eye-opening experience of my lifetime!

It is the most logical conclusion to understand creation was designed by an intelligent being.

When we examined human beings, supposedly intelligent creatures, the scientific argument gets more absurd. They believe that an unintelligent mix of chemicals, created something intelligent enough to dominate the same chemicals that created it.

Our faith tells us (Genesis 1:27-28):

Scientific naturalism has one question to answer: is it more plausible an unintelligent concoction of chemicals created intelligent life or were we modeled on intelligent life?

It gets even bigger than that!

If we were created by a concoction of chemicals, why aren’t the same chemicals still creating us? If it somehow stopped, why did it stop or who stopped the process?

The point is, biblical faith doesn't need to explain any of this. It neither makes us less or more valid if we could. Scientists have staked their credibility on their brand of "faith." In this matrix, because they cannot explain the world around us, they have lost credibility while gaining nothing.

Philosophical Arguments for God's Existence

There are many philosophers and writers, throughout history, who have produced sound arguments for the existence of God.

The first argument is that the universe is too complex for it to have come about by chance.

The universe is so incredibly complex and full of intricate design and symmetry. This strains the imagination to believe that it could have just appeared by chance. Therefore, the only explanation is that it was planned by a supreme being with great intelligence and foresight.

The question of whether or not God exists is an important one, but it can be approached in a way that is less emotional and more logical.

To find the answer, one needs to first define their terms and look carefully at the facts.

From an evidence-based point of view, it makes sense to rule out the possibility that God does not exist. Next, ask yourself if a being who does exist could still be undetected.

It is important to remember that there are many people who claim to have evidence that God exists.

However, "faith" is really all we have. There is still many people do not believe in God. Even if a person has strong evidence of the existence of God, it does not mean that they have accepted Him as their Lord and Savior.

Although it is not a good idea to get caught up in the emotions of the debate, it is still important to look at all sides. There are many different arguments for and against the existence of God.


As a church Pastor, I would love to say: “what I believe is proof Jesus Christ exists.” However, that wouldn’t be true! The Holy Bible defines faith differently.

This interesting because the more “radical” religions not only want you to believe “god” (little ‘g’) is real but will also force you to believe in Him. The cost for NOT believing will be your life.

This is the opposite of God as presented in the Holy Bible.

I would love for everyone to believe as I do but I will not do something God doesn’t – force belief in Him. Faith is not required if we can prove it is true. Yet I cannot prove God is true and if I could, I wouldn’t need faith.

The point is that “I believe” God exists because I can see His hand and footprints all around. These footprints, however, are also defined by what I “believe.”

Here is what is important – I can afford to “believe” God exists, die, and be wrong. When I perish, the lights go out, and stay out. Therefore, I have lost NOTHING!

What I have gained is living my life the right way and contributing to humanity. However, can you afford to “not believe”?

What will you do?

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